Day 2

Game Update

You can now kill all the rats in  the castle (there is still only 1 rat) and then you will be taken to the next castle.  Clear the castle and the end screen will be shown.

Work Done Today

Short day but checked that item off the list!  Added a "Director" service/system that tracks "McGuffin" components attached to the rats.  When all the mcguffins are dead the Director decides if it's time to create a new castle or to let the UI know the player one.  Ran into a bunch of odd lifecycle race conditions with the last rat's death animation ending when the Map system was in the middle of the new castle load function.  Well that got fixed =D

To-Do (in order of progressive delightfulness)

  1. A winning condition ( clear a number of castles )
  2. Entities that spawn entities on a timer / environmental factors  ( rat nests that create rats )
  3. Modify AI for more seek/avoid behaviour ( baited traps, avoid guards, prefer staying near walls)
  4. Spawn friendly AI entities ( ratters to help the player )
  5. Scale based obstruction (rats can scurry under furniture that blocks the player)
  6. Switch to a turn based grid movement system
    1. I really want to do this, I have a "superhot" style idea but the engine is so realtime based that this may be too much of a lift for the week :x 

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Mar 05, 2019

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