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Hrm, is there a downloadable version?  I am having a lot of issues on Firefox (full-screen mode makes the inventory and rune bag mostly appear off-screen when opened, and of course I'm constantly hitting "escape" to quit menus, which cancels fullscreen instead.)

yea browser compatibility is the bane of existence for this game :\ When I try in Firefox it runs fine but its the combination of OS, screen size, screen dpi, and for some the cursor constantly drifts T_T 
[tab] should exit menus, takes some getting used to.
I've been meaning to try out one of the desktop packaging frameworks like Electron or Tauri.  I'll ping you if it happens :)

Thanks for giving the game a try! I'm sorry it has issues in your firefox :(

nice game, though pretty difficult

easier once you realize how to equip weapons, etc.

great job

Thank you!